Kastane + 3 artists
The “Common” Place Books.


Kastaneの2020年秋冬のテーマは、“Change to better yourself with a strong will and curious mind.”「変化し、より良い私へ。強い意志と遊び心を持って」。今回のシーズンカタログでは3名のアーティストに、このテーマをもとに思い思いの表現をしていただきました。

2020.10.16Aoi Yoshida (Kastane Press)

No.01 Karin/Collage Artist




1. Where do you get your inspiration from?


-Music, movies, the natural world. 音楽、映画、自然


2. What’s your favorite color?


-Blue. 青


3. When do you like to produce art?


-When I feel inspired. インスピレーションが湧いた時


4. What makes you happy?


-Good food. And, when my friends are happy. 美味しい御飯。友達の笑顔


5. Where would you like to escape from right now?


-From my own conventional thinking. 自分自身の常識から飛び出したい。


6. What would you start doing tomorrow if you could?


-Taking fashion in a completely new direction. 普段と違うファッションにする。


7. What did you have for breakfast today?


-Toast and a fried egg. 目玉焼、トースト


8. When do you feel sad?


-When I’m gazing out to sea. 海を見ている時


9. When do you feel relaxed?


-When I’m in the bath. お風呂タイム


10. What would you say is your playful side?


-Sometimes I have delusions or wild fantasies. 妄想


11. What time of the day do you like most and why?


-At around ten in the morning on a non-work day. I love that time because that’s when I’m planning the day ahead. お休みの朝の10時頃。今日何をするか決める時ってワクワクします。


12. If you could sum up your life in one word what would that be?


-Adventure. 冒険


13. What animal would you like to be and why?


-A cat. Because cats just do whatever they want. 猫。自由に生きてるから。


14. Where would you like to be ten years from now?


-I’d like to see my work enjoyed by people all around the world. 自分の作品が世の中の人に知っていてもらえたら…。


15. What do you think about just before you go to bed?


-l go through all the people I’ve met that day. 今日1日会った人を思い浮かべる。


Karin/Collage Artist 花梨/コラージュアーティスト Born in Tokyo in 1997, Karin has been featured as a model in fashion magazines, in commercials and in music videos, and is also active as a collage artist. 1997年東京都出身。モデルとしてファッション誌やCM, MVなど幅広く活躍するほか、コラージュアーティストとしても活動中。 Instagram : @karin_works_




No.02 Eri Takagi/PAINTER




1. Where do you get your inspiration from?


-The beautifully contrasting patterns that I see on plants and animals in the natural world, and the thoughts and ideas that come to me from somewhere deep within, things that can’t be put into words. 自然に生まれた動物や植物の綺麗なコントラストの模様や、自分の内側からふつふつと湧き出る言葉にできない何か。


2. What’s your favorite color?


-Orange. And blue as well! オレンジと青!


3. When do you like to produce art?


-Inspiration can come at any time of the day. If I haven’t got my painting gear with me, I make a quick note of my emotions or feelings so I can use them later. いつでも24/7何か閃いた時。手元に画材がない時はその時の感情や感覚をメモしています。


4. What makes you happy?


-Running around in a beautiful natural setting makes me happy. I love soaking up nature! Also, sitting around with close friends, talking endlessly about nothing in particular. 自然の中で駆け回っている時、浸かっている時。 大好きな友達と永遠とどうでもいい話をしている時。


5. Where would you like to escape from right now?


-I’d like to run away to a place like Amami-oshima island or Los Angeles where you can find art that expresses the passion and fury of the sea and the people. 奄美大島とLOS ANGELES! 海と人の激情が滲み出てるアートが見られる所。


6. What would you start doing tomorrow if you could?


-I’d like to take pottery lessons. 焼き物の習い事したいなあ。


7. What did you have for breakfast today?


-Kiwi fruit and chewy sausage. キウイとプリプリのソーセージ。


8. When do you feel sad?


-When I hear people arguing. 人と人が喧嘩してる時。


9. When do you feel relaxed?


-When I don’t have to set the alarm and can sleep in as long as I want! アラームかけないで思いっきり寝る時!!


10. What would you say is your playful side?


-When I remember how I used to feel as a child—going back to the beginning, as it were. 初心に戻ること=子どもの頃の感覚を取り戻すこと。


11. What time of the day do you like most and why?


-Evenings are my favorite part of the day, at any time of the year. In summer the evenings are cooler and I feel more relaxed, even indoors. I don’t know why, but it makes me feel more positive somehow. In winter I’m not good in the biting cold, even though I don’t hate it as such. I get a bit sentimental—it’s a good opportunity to engage in some self-reflection. 一年通して夜かも。 夏は外も涼しいし、部屋にいてもすごくリラックスできる。なぜか。ポジティブになれる。 冬のキンとした冷たさも苦手だけど嫌いじゃない。センチメンタルな気分になるけど、自分自身を見つめ直せるいい時間を持てる。


12. If you could sum up your life in one word what would that be?


-Follow your nose, I think the saying goes. In other words, just go where nature takes you. なるようになる。


13. What animal would you like to be and why?


-A dog. I feel like I have so much to give, but at the same time maybe I overcomplicate things a bit. Life would be so simple and uncomplicated as a dog! 気持ちは大きくあるのに素直になれないことがたくさんあるから、自分に素直なわんちゃんに憧れています。


14. Where would you like to be ten years from now?


-I want to keep painting for ever. I’ll be 35 by then, so maybe it’ll be time to be a leader of sorts. Perhaps I’ll be a leader in some capacity, where my role is to identify talent and bring out the best in others. At the same time, I always want to retain a sense of fun. I’d like to be good at building relationships and working together with others. But more than anything, I want to be a great artist, one who is constantly pushing the boundaries. ずっと絵を描いていて欲しい。 35歳だから、もしかしたら人の上に立つ立場かもしれない。 だから、人それぞれの才能や可能性を見出して、うまく導けるようにもなっていて欲しい。 でも、遊び心は一生忘れないでほしいな。 素敵な人間関係を築いていけますように。 そして最高にクレイジーなアーティストであれ。


15. What do you think about just before you go to bed?


-I look forward to what tomorrow will bring! 明日は何を楽しみに生きようかな〜〜!


Eri Takagi/Painter タカギ エリ/ペインター Eri is a Tokyo based Japanese painter. With an interest in nature, she tells us the beauty of simplicity through her works. Her colorful and joyful paintings with texture make people happy. “Get back your originality, cha cha cha.” 東京を拠点に活動するアーティスト。モノに溢れる現代に疑問を持ち、着飾らない自然体でいるスタイルの美しさをアートを通してメッセージし続けている。色使いやテクスチャーを生かした作品が特徴。 Instagram : @eri_sunkissed




No.03 Travis Knight/Author, Skateboarder


“Change” Written by Travis Knight, Aug. 30th, 2020


I have always felt that to break a habit is difficult but to break a lifestyle is impossible. When drowning in the deepest pools of woe — a mind quaking, the self, stagnant, all hope hidden— By nature, I fall back, right back into insanity’s drivel. Such reasoning as the aforementioned offers salvation for that mere moment, and pulls me out of the ruthless tides about. Yet it is never long before I stand on the precipice again, dangling over demise, taunting my own existence, contemplating cowardice.


It is through those dreary days and those long, disconsolate nights, that I yearn for change the most for only change can bring the light. One morning I decided to change my diet. I was tired of the coffee-jitters and my rising belly but by the time the sun touched its peak, I was on my second pot of hot brew and was about ten Ring-Dings deep. Failure brought disappointment disappointment invited despair despair devised depression but I was tired of being depressed, so I changed my environment next. I drove north for the week’s end, and by sunset I found fast-living friends. We smoked pack after pack, indulging death until our knees grew soft but I was tired of being drunk and out of breath, so I changed my friends, like the tides change when the moon has scurried off.


By midnight there was nothing left, not a dime, a smile, or a woman’s might, but I changed everything how I knew best, yet dreams had been smothered by a lonesome night.


My eye lids rose with the newborn sun. Nothing had changed but the day itself. I knew of a coastal cliff nearby, where the waves crashed brilliantly and the clouds hung daintily on a fresh blue canvas sky. But before I could bid farewell, I met Discipline on that jagged cliff. Her eyes wore a smooth emerald coat and her midnight hair cascaded down over them like waterfalls do a mossy stone. I told her my story, searching for comfort, though she offered none. In fact, she was a bitch. She judged and prodded and told me things I didn’t want to hear, yet she still coerced me to take her on a date. I was broke, so we danced on the sea’s shore below until the stars burned out above.


Ever since I danced with Discipline, and her playful, witty, gorgeous grin, I found the strength to love myself again, for Discipline taught me change within.


「変わるということ」いつも感じていた。習慣を変えることは難しいと。ましてや生活を変えることは不可能だと。苦悩の水底で溺れているときは—心が震え自我が停滞し希望はどこにも見えない—いつものように、私は後ずさりする行き着くのは狂人のたわごとだ。そんな言い訳がその瞬間に救いの手を差し伸べ冷酷な感情の渦から私を引っ張り出す。でもそれは長くは続かない。私はまたその絶壁に立ち、死の淵にぶら下がり、自分の存在を嘲り、卑怯さに思いを馳せることになる。そんなわびしい日々や長くみじめな夜を通して私は変化を求めるようになった。変わることでしか光は得られないのだ。ある朝、食生活を変えようと決めた。コーヒーの高揚感や出っ張ったお腹には飽き飽きだった。でも太陽が南中するころには、熱いコーヒーのポット2杯目を飲み、甘いお菓子も10個目ほど食べていた。失敗は落胆をもたらし、落胆は絶望を招いた。絶望は憂鬱を作り出す。でも鬱々としているのには飽き飽きした。だから次に環境を変えた。週末には北へ向かい車を走らせ、日暮れの頃には享楽的に生きる友人を見つけた。 私たちは何箱も煙草を吸い、膝が砕けるまで死を謳歌した。でも私は酔っ払い息を切らすことに飽き飽きした。だから友人を変えた。まるで月が通り過ぎ去るときに潮が変わるように。夜中になる頃には何も残っていなかった。小銭も、笑顔も、女性の力も。でも今まで知っていたすべてを変えた。それでも孤独な夜に夢は潰されていく。新しく生まれた太陽とともに瞼を開く。日が変わった以外には何も変わっていない。近くには海崖があるのを知っている。波が美しく当たり弾け、空の真新しい青いキャンバスに、雲が優雅に浮かぶ場所。でも、私がさよならを言う前に、その荒れた崖で「規律」と出会った。彼女の目はなめらかなエメラルドで覆われ 漆黒の髪はその目にかかっている。まるで苔の生えた石に落ちる滝のようだ。私は安らぎを求め彼女に身の上話をした。彼女は自分について話さない。嫌な奴だった。彼女は私を非難し、指摘した。私が聞きたくないことも彼女は言った。それでもデートに行こうと彼女は強引に決めた。お金がなかったので、下の浜辺で私たちは踊った。空で星が輝くときまで踊り続けた。「規律」と一緒に踊り、彼女の遊び心ある素敵な笑顔を見てからというもの、私は自分を愛する力を見つけることができた。内面から変わることを教えてくれた「規律」のおかげだ。


Travis Knight/Author, Skateboarder トラヴィス・ナイト/小説家、スケーター Travis Knight is an American author who has been writing poetry and short stories for the better part of the past two decades.Travis is currently an English undergraduate living in San Jose, CA, where he works part-time as a copywriter and uses his spare time to create projects that will further contribute to the world’s literary collection. 小説家。カリフォルニア州サンノゼ在住。学生/非常勤のコピーライターの傍ら、詩や短編小説の創作活動に励む。 Instagram : @iambackbabay